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    A new e-learning series from Barolsky Advisors


    Designed to fast track induction for those new to the legal sector


    Designed to fill knowledge gaps for those new to leadership roles in your firm

  • 12 e-learning modules

    Scroll down to review the topics covered in each module

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  • Key features of New2Legal

    • Presented by Joel Barolsky, Senior Fellow of the University of Melbourne and 30+ years as a consultant to law firms
    • Content derived from courses taught at Melbourne Law School and College of Law
    • Self-directed learning using any device at any time
    • Modules range from 20 to 50 minutes, each with chapter breaks
    • Content includes case studies, latest research, practical tips and links to further resources
    • Offered via a subscription to firms, not individuals
    • Tailoring option for firm-specific needs
    • LMS integration and SCORM compliant
  • Who is it for

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    Those new to law firms

    AIM: Be more effective and add value from Day 1

    AUDIENCE WITHIN LAW FIRMS: Graduates, legal assistants, suppliers and business services specialists in HR, IT, KM, marketing, finance and administration


    AUDIENCE OUTSIDE LAW FIRMS: Consultants, technology suppliers, vendors, recruiters, educators and researchers


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    Those in new leadership roles

    AIM: Build confidence and competence

    AUDIENCE: Practice team leaders, client relationship partners, office leaders, general managers, staff partners, client and market leaders and partners-in-charge

  • Topics covered in each module

    Module #1: The legal market - now and in the future

    1.1 Trends in the client domain

    1.2 Tends in technology

    1.3 Trends in the people arena

    1.4 Trends in the practice of law

    1.5 Market and competitor trends

    Module #2: Law firm strategy - where and how firms compete

    2.1 What is 'strategy'? How does it differ from operations?

    2.2 Crafting strategy - playing to win

    2.3 Strategic plan examples and templates

    2.4 The process of strategic planning in law firms

    Module #3: Law firm economics (for non-accountants)

    3.1 A law firm's basic profit and loss statement

    3.2 Understanding profit drivers

    3.3 New and alternative business models

    Module #4: Winning and keeping clients

    4.1 Marketing and business development in law firms

    4.2 How and why clients buy

    4.3 Types of rainmakers

    4.4 Strategies and tactics to win and keep clients

    Module #5: Law firm pricing and value capture

    5.1 Price as a profit lever

    5.2 Better practice pricing – at the matter level

    5.3 Tips and tactics in price negotiation

    5.4 Better practice pricing – at the firm level

    Module #6: Redesigning the client experience

    6.1 The Client Experience (Cx) movement

    6.2 Mapping and improving your firm’s Cx

    6.3 Developing client personas

    Module #7: Firm culture, leadership and change

    7.1 Why some firms fly and the critical role of leadership

    7.2 Deep dive into organisational culture and why it matters

    7.3 Deep dive into change management in a law firm context

    Module #8: Firm governance and structure

    8.1 Law firm governance and structure

    8.2 The role of firm Boards

    8.3 Typical governance entities and choices

    8.4 Partner charters

    8.5 Key principles in organisation design

    Module #9: Profit sharing and partner remuneration

    9.1 Foundation principles – a strong partnership

    9.2 The putting-in system – growing the pie

    9.3 The taking-out system – sharing the pie

    9.4 Stress-testing your firm’s partner remuneration model

    Module #10: Legal talent and teams

    10.1 What do lawyers actually do

    10.2 Lawyers’ personality

    10.3 Lawyers’ mental health

    10.4 The essence of effective teams

    10.5 Team leadership

    Module #11: Law firm technology and innovation

    11.1 Types and categories of legal technology

    11.2 Legal technology platforms

    11.3 Strategic implications for law firms and other industry players

    11.4 Innovation in law firms: six choices

    Module #12: Succeeding in business services

    12.1 Law firm business services reimagined

    12.2 Influencing without authority

    12.3 Communicating effectively

    12.4 Handling difficult conversations

    12.5 Workshop facilitation tips and secrets

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