Articles from the Relationship Capital blog
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Avoiding the Bermuda Triangle of law firm management (AFR op-ed) - why some firms suffer from growing pains. Click here to view and listen to a 30-minute interview with Joel discussing this article)
Innovation - Three Strategic Choices (ARITA Journal) - three decisions firms need to make in setting their innovation agenda
How partners tackle a changing legal landscape - chapter in a new book edited by Nick Jarrett-Kerr and Jonathan Middleborough
Rethinking partner remuneration (AFR op-ed) - three factors driving firms to have more flexible partner remuneration models
Sweet succession - navigating the journey of managing partner transition
Winning the talent war (Hong Kong Lawyer) - a strategist's perspective on winning the talent war in a hybrid world
Social license - a game of snakes and ladders (AFR op-ed) - a firm might stay a step ahead of competitors for a while, but drop to the bottom in a heartbeat.
2022 Thomson Reuters Legal Insights State of the Legal Market Report (download from this site)
Revisiting the Profoundly Human Law Firm (with Ray D'Druz) - When we presented our the Profoundly Human Law Firm of 2030 to the Australian Managing Partners’ Forum of 2019, we could not anticipate that Covid might accelerate some of the changes we set out.
Seven insights from the 2022 AFR Law Partnership Survey (AFR op-ed) - a fresh take on the latest top 50 law firm partnership statistics
The legal world is about to enter a new world of standing up for principles (AFR op-ed) - firms need to be better prepared to make difficult ethical choices
The challenges keep rising for overburdened partners (AFR op-ed) - the role of partner needs to be redesigned to make it more sustainable
Will Danny Gilbert's succession be a train wreck or triumph (AFR op-ed) - G+T need to get the right power and governance model first rather than just looking for Danny Mark II
Despite recent successes, law firms fear cultural fragility (AFR op-ed) - vertical and horizontal strategies are needed to retain cultural cohesion
Law firms can learn a trick or two from Qantas (AFR op-ed) - avoiding two key mistakes of grading client relationships
Is bigger better (Law Management Hub) - Smaller, market-leading law firms have proven over the years that size is not a pre-requisite for success, but there are some areas where scale can be an advantage
Are law firms ready for the Great Transition (AFR op-ed) - there will be no let-up in the pressure on individual firms to retain their top talent over the next 12 to 18 months
The empire strikes back (AFR op-ed) - five reasons why private practice law firms may win the war for talent
The Big 4 in law - failing again? (AFR op-ed) - progress to date in the Big 4's grand plans of global domination
The State of the Australian Legal Market - The 2021 report from Thomson Reuters Peer Monitor, Joel Barolsky co-author
Be client-focused, not client-compelled - Five strategies to make sure your pricing is fair to the client and fair to the firm
Is your practice in the right shape (AFR op-ed) - much can go awry if a firm doesn’t have the right balance of senior and junior professionals
Karate Kid lesson for law firms (AFR op-ed) - why it's essential that Australia accelerate its Covid vaccination program
Key partner, where are you going next? (AFR op-ed) - insights from the five stages of a typical partner's career
Leadership development should start earlier (AFR op-ed) - the current system emphasises creating outstanding technical advisers, but not great leaders
Where was Minters' chairman during the Kimmitt crisis (AFR op-ed) - a deep dive into the critical and difficult role of law firm chairperson
How law firms can do more with less (AFR op-ed) - the rise of legal operations to make a step-improvement in productivity
How law firms can avoid 2021 burnout (AFR op-ed) - a key objective for many law firms in 2021 will be to build resilience and avoid burnout.
Partners or owners: the law firm divide (AFR op-ed) - the pros and cons of having non-equity partners in your partnership
Why Harvard is wrong on law firm management (AFR op-ed) - why adviser-owner-leader is a better description of the partner role
Law firms face danger in straying too far from the core (AFR op-ed) - lessons for firms seeking to develop side businesses
Will law firms be more productive but less human? (AFR op-ed) - three more predictions about a post-Covid19 world
2020 State of the Legal Market Report - where the market is and where is it heading based on Thompson Reuters Peer Monitor data
Is HWL Ebsworth Limited a BUY? (AFR op-ed) - How will stockbrokers react to HWL Ebsworth Limited's prospectus?
What does your firm's balance sheet tell you - Make your firm more valuable by focusing on five key intangible assets
How your law firm can limit the virus hit to your bottom-line (AFR op-ed) - Qantas-style pricing and a 'sharing' culture can help counter sharp falls in revenue
Will new partners need to keep grinding away (AFR op-ed) - the long-term impact of Covid-19 on the role of partner
Does your law firm really need a barista (AFR op-ed) - four things law firms need to think about in creating the future
Love the tech you're with, at least for now (AFR op-ed) - three key questions firms need to ask if they are to make more from their existing technology
A post-corona legal world: more kindness, less paper (AFR op-ed) - while there is a lot to fret about, there will also be some important positives
Five ways to improve your firm's balance sheet (AFR op-ed) - intangible assets underpin long-term value creation
Is bigger better (AFR op-ed) - are smaller or larger firms more successful?
The potential profit impact of the Fair Work changes (AFR op-ed) - what would your firm do if awards governed your rewards?
Legal products - New trick for old dogs (AFR- op-ed) - five key success factors for law firms to add technology products to their offering
Why culture really really matters (AFR op-ed) - seven areas where a strong culture adds to firm profit and sustainability
The potential profit impact of new technology (AFR op-ed) - how firms can capture value when technology is a key element of the service offer
Partnerships are productivity machines (AFR op-ed) - why firms should embrace the producer-manager-leader model and not fight it
State of the Legal Market Report - the 2019 Thompson Reuters Peer Monitor report covering the top-end of the Australian legal market
Lean in and be counted - podcast interview with Graham Seldon of Seldon Rosser
Firms paying price for poor HR record (AFR op-ed) - the relationships in and around HR need to improve in many firms
Five lessons from successful lawyers (AFR op-ed) - what a 10-year comparison of the AFR partnership survey tells us
Making Rain - video interview with Dr George Beaton
The profoundly human law firm (with Ray D'Cruz) - the successful law firm in 2030. Click here to listen to our podcast on this topic.
Advancing the retreat (Law Management Hub guest post) - six tips to make partners' retreats more effective
Stop trying to differentiate your firm (AFR op-ed) - why trying too hard to be different is a waste of time and money
Retreat or Defeat (AFR-op-ed) - the strategic choices facing premium Australian law firms
Good times roll but law graduates miss out on a Harvey Specter life (AFR op-ed) - analysis of December 2019 Partnership Survey
Strategies for whatever future holds (AFR op-ed) - the current legal boom a one-off or the start of glory days?
State of the Legal Market - 2018 Peer Monitor Melbourne Law School report, co-authored with Eric Chin
The evolution of the rocket model (AFR op-ed) - the strategic impact of adopting new process technology
What's your Collaboration Agenda - a collaboration planning agenda for you to use and adapt
Beyond mediocrity and myopia (Law Managed Hub guest post) - how to stress test your client strategy
Measurement matters more than money - why the dollar is no substitute for effective leadership
EY's acquisition of Riverview Law (Lawyers Weekly op-ed) - a strategic disaster in the making
Better together (ALPMA guest blog) - 10 reasons collaboration is a good idea
Getting clarity on the CRP role - 10 ways to describe the client relationship partner role
The end of the club (AFR op-ed) - why many collegiate full-service mid-tier firms will fail
Get your practice group strategy right (Law Management Hub) - make sure each practice is playing its part
What's the right price (Acuity Magazine) - the 5-step approach to pricing professional services
Transitioning your low-profit clients - five strategies to make unprofitable relationships more sustainable
Is your firm a club or a one-firm firm? - my 2018 take on the Maister classic
The accountants re-enter legal. Meh! - the Big 4 are not going to have it all their own way
What are your 2018 experiments - your personal, practice and public agendas
Is the demand for legal booming - what if reported market data is fake news
7 key enablers of smart collaboration - how to go from being collegiate to truly collaborative
Advancing the retreat - tips to get more from strategy off-sites, conferences and retreats
Top 20 workshop facilitation tips and secrets - some practical ideas to run better workshops
From pyramids to rockets to ecosystems - the evolution of the professional service firm delivery model
There are two words in “strategic plan” - some practical advice on how to make strategic plans more useful
From collegiate to collaborative - why collaboration is hard and what to do about it
A professional services value chain - 12 ways a firm can improve its profitability and competitiveness
The 2-5-3 method of pricing professional services - a simple method to smarter pricing and capturing more value
Six strategic shifts and implications for HR - the expectations of the HR function are getting higher and higher
The state of the legal market - conclusion from the 2017 Thomson Reuters Peer Monitor MLS Report
Are your practice groups primed to win? - getting all the parts to sum up to something more
10 questions for your plan B - implications on technology change on law firm structure, strategy, style and skills
Firm purpose. Seven Options - alternative ways of thinking about your firm's purpose or reason for being
Pirouettes or Death Spirals - Op-ed on the Australian mid-tier legal market from The Australian Financial Review, 30 June 2017
People, relationships, data: a focus for boards - an article in CPA Australia’s IN THE BLACK, 1 May 2017
The business case for diversity in law firms - Op-ed from The Australian, 20 October 2017
10 reasons culture eats strategy for breakfast - how a positive and productive culture generates profits
Success = Ability + Stability + Agility - how to become a more agile and innovative firm while retaining core strengths
Blockchain: earthquake or rose planting - the impact of the blockchain on in-house legal teams (first published in the Australian Corporate Council Journal, Autumn 2017)
Innovation for sceptics - how to innovate when your firm is filled with smart sceptics
Two-speed firms: the problem and solutions - dealing with differentials in partner commitment and contribution
Five steps to becoming a more agile firm - creating the right foundations to innovate
Culture fit, or do you mean no misfit - don't confuse misfits with cultural catalysts
Is 2017 the year the fat smoker quits? - the forces for change might finally be overwhelming the constraints
Five lessons from five years going solo - insights from the first few years as a freelance management consultant
The Taxi Taxonomy - client analysis on the run
Butcher butcher's paper - innovating with Google Docs in strategy workshops
Getting true client commitment - co-authored with Jon Huxley of Beca on the critical role of leadership in CRM
Norton Rose Fulbright and LawPath - stress testing a NewLaw and BigLaw venture
Is your board focused on strategy or operations - getting your board to pay attention to really important issues
Stress test your client strategy - five categories of client strategies for you to stress test your key account plans
What’s your sneaker strategy - getting clarity on how you will outrun your competitors
Adding adding value - a fresh way to communicate the value you offer to key clients
5 takeways from teaching management at the Melbourne Law School - the best way to learn is to teach
The market test - assessing your firm's strategic health as an external investor would
Redefining shared services - getting more from HR, IT, finance and marketing
The keys to cross-selling - some practical ideas to improve product knowledge across the firm
10 things to do different - making sure your plans are not just more of the same
From MY client to OUR client - why client hoarding is still such an issue and what to do about it
What’s wrong with the sales pipeline - adapting the McKinsey 3 Horizon Growth Model to key account management
Top 10 differentiation tips - an article from the APSMA PSF Journal on how to differentiate your firm
Smarter relationship pricing - co-authored with Colin Jasper covering the merits of incentivised retainers
Can you handle the truth - introducing the Barolsky Barometer cultural mapping tool
Your loyalty levers: head, heart and ego - moving beyond client satisfaction to drive client loyalty
Reports of BigLaw’s death are magnified - article from The Australian on legal industry trends, 20 December 2013
Efforts made for clients define tier one firms - article from The Australian on how top-tier firms manage their key clients, 24 July 2014
What’s your mantra - getting clarity and consensus of your firm’s strategic intent with each key client
Two slides of the client loyalty coin - the importance of getting a good rap AND a good dollar from your clients
Do you know your client’s KPIs - the power of understanding what truly drives client behaviour
Taking the Maister trust equation to a new level - a new formula for building trusted B2B relationships
Facilitating a strategic dialogue around key clients - getting everyone on the firm to share insights around key clients
Are you client-focused or client compelled - recognising the importance of asserting your rights as a supplier
The power of unsolicited proposals - the discipline of consistently thinking how else you could help your client
Don't just set and forget - the keys to ongoing key client governance
So you're ranked your key clients. Now what? - making clear distinctions between your different tiers of clients
The problem of share-of-wallet as a KPI - finding better metrics to assess your key client relationships
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